Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Last time we checked in with our super family (besides the little puking - crying story), they were leaving the Minnesota Children's Museum in St. Paul, Minnesota. On the way home, all Cara wanted was simple burrito from Chipotle's, seemingly a simple request as there is one within a 10 minute walk of Alison's. As it turns out it was not such a simple request, as we drove blindly about the Twin Cities before finally going to a different Chipotle's than the close one or the one we were looking for. I might mention though that the ride was pure entertainment as we got to see the mother - 18 year old son dynamic. I am sure I was never that way, but wow! Also, our hunger was whetted by an influx of cheese popcorn from a local institution (Candyland), which was exceptional.

After we got home Teresa rejected burrito & Alison's Mac & Cheese from Noodles and ended up eating something and then off to nap. We hung around all afternoon as I practiced being a guitar god with Daisen on Guitar Hero III. There was not much else of note, until I noticed that the Twins were in town, so I called up Russ and we set up a date for Sunday afternoon.

Daisen & I went to Target in the afternoon, where we got to enjoy Daisen's first accident! Daisen was driving like a complete retard, and went so far as to straighten out the car in the parking stall so it was centered! Then I thought he bucked the engine parking it, but it turned out that he recklessly had the rear quarterpanel struck by the car trying to get out of the stall beside him as he was parked! Daisen was terrified, as Alison apparently rules with an iron fist and a one-strike & you're out policy when it comes to driving.

We grazed through the afternoon, ordered in Pizza Luce and then left Teresa is the capable (?) hands of Alison, Daisen & Sarah as we went to see the Proclaimers & Jeremy Fisher. How can I put this politely? Let's just say that the proclaimers have some devoted fans. We met a couple of 40-50 y/o ladies in line who had met at a Proclaimer's concert in Scotland. One was from Scotland the other from Chicago, and they built up a friendship. The lady from Scotland had always meant to come to North America, and this tour was the impetus. The ladies met in Cleveland, went to a show there, then Ann Arbor, Chicago and then Minneapolis. There was also a college student that was going to every US date on the tour... Nevertheless these ladies were very nice and had got to know some of the guys on Fisher's musical team and quite liked his music. Often they said the Proclaimers got shoddy opening acts, go figure...

Well, once we got in the ladies knew Cara came for Fisher so they had Cara stand up front with them. Right before the show she passed a note on to Fisher's bassist saying this was her birthday, and could they dedicate Cigarette to her, which he did. It made Cara's night, and we bought TShirts and ended up haivng the note and a shirt signed before we left... If you don't know Jeremy Fisher's music, here is song dedicated to Cara last Saturday night:

1 comment:

InsertMonikerHere said...

the Proclaimers have otaku, huh?

I wouldn't be surprised if Teresa refusing lunch might have had had, oh, just a *teensy* bit to do with the backseaters being tasked with keeping her awake on the brief-ride-that becameth-a-death-march to Chipotle's, with cheesy popcorn as our primary toddler stimulant :-) We had to slow her down, as she was chipmunking it rather than swallowing at one point.