Monday, April 21, 2008

Weekend Yardwork...

Well, we had quite a busy weekend... It began Saturday morning with Teresa, Rowdy & I running around the Charleswood dog park for an hour and a half. After that Teresa & I raked in the backyard for over an hour. I should note that I hate thatching, and that Teresa wanted to rake, but couldn't and she helped out by throwing a few handfuls of grass into the bin. As a side note, we have been going into the park a whole lot more lately and seems to like the slide and the swing.

I finished the raking Saturday afternoon, and my back is still sore from it. Have I mentioned I hate thatching? Saturday night we had Larry & Lorraine Franz over for dinner and Teresa was (as always) on her best behaviour.

Sunday we had church and then I hand washed the van, once again with Teresa's help. Teresa got in the way of the water jet as often as possible. She also went next door when I had to drop off the window washing supplies I borrowed...

CUTE ALERT! Presently Teresa is sitting in one of her toy drawers... Also, she seems to be knowing her colours and some animals a whole lot better.

Beyond that there is not too much more to report... I type this in the 1st intermission with the Habs up 1-0.... I am nervous!


Anonymous said...

My last comment worked!!!


Ken said...

I hadn't read it before I typed the post... Whatever makes you happy though :)