Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We Have Audio!

Not to get too techy, but I had to convert the video & audio to a new format to make it work...


InsertMonikerHere said...

OK, she's super-cute. We get it :-)

Now off to make sure my camera's memory card can handle six skillion pictures for saturday at the children's museum...

Anonymous said...

As you may have gathered from there being no reports of Air Canada flights from Rome crashing into the sea, we made it home.

Just catching up on all the blogs. she remains very cute. Have a good time in Minneapolis as the Habs begin their comback from a 3-1 deficit. (I go away and the team falls apart!)


PS - What are those 12 other blogs doing at the bottom of the clip of Teresa chatting?

Ken said...

Can someone explain dad's ps to me?

I am lost!

Anonymous said...

Simply put, Dad doesn't understand YouTube. At the end of the clip, the screen changes, and it has the "Play again" link front and centre. He's confused b/c at the bottom of the YouTube screen are links to 12 other clips that You Tube randomly puts there.

Seriously Dad, the clips mean nothing. Ignore them.