Saturday, December 08, 2007

Decorating the House
Christmas is Coming!

I came home from walking Rowdy in -25 (no wind though, so it was nice!) weather and Cara had the lights and garland on the tree... I know garland only on the tree? I helped change that and added some to the chandelier.

Here are the few pics we took, as we were too busy readying the house.

Teresa & Mom decorating. She is enamored by the lemon

Teresa trying to break her 1st XMas ornament...

More of the eternal cuteness.

Teresa 'put' the angel on.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh... the lemon ornament. Unbreakable ornament friend to babies and toddlers of all generations. Well, that and the strawberry one, and wasn't there a lime back in the day, too?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Pearl, we have a lime as well:)
