Sunday, October 28, 2007

Walking / Playing with Rowdy & Dad

email for access!


Anonymous said...

Are you sure she's playing with Rowdy? He looks pretty skittish to me.

I am sure that CFS would not be worried about the gentle throwing and catching of Theresa. After all, i did the same with all you kids and look how you turned out. OK maybe they should intervene.


Ken said...

Teresa is playing with Rowdy, we're not sure he's figured it out yet... Seriously though we've started to make sure he doesn't get chased around by her, and we've been pushing the no pulling on fur thing really hard and lately, she just comes in and places her face on him because it is so soft... He's getting better and more used to her mobility, but yes he runs off and is skittish at times...

Anonymous said...

I like how you're training her to spin to the left, just like a "right handed" figure skater. Only 2 more years until she can start skating lessons!