Saturday, September 15, 2007

Long time, no post...

I'm sure that some people out there are rankled by the fact that I haven't updated for a while. Well, I guess there isn't too much to report though as the days until Teresa turns the big one-two (months that is) and I've been quite busy with work and football. After a rough summer on my waist I decided to start trying to work out a bit so that too is cutting into my Teresa blogging time...

The football team is 2-0, the classes I teach are great (although I am trying to remember Chemistry well enough to teach it :) The school is great, and I quite happy. I had the pleasure of defeating some students at floor hockey during lunch hour. Cara & I went to see Blue Man Group last night because Warren had a friend jam on him and it was quite quite neat and fun. As for the start of our blog... I guess she can be summed up by negations.

Walking? No.
Teeth? No.
Talking? No.
Terrorizing Rowdy? Yes.

Oh well, I guess some things stay the same. Cara was been doing yeoman's work at home as I am often out until 6:30 and then come home not really feeling like working too hard. Teresa has to be getting close to teeth. Today she had litres of drool pouring forth from her mouth... She can rumble for about 5 or 6 steps only hanging onto 1 finger now and is using her walking toy extensively. And I think we decided on her bday gift too! The countdown is on until September 27th.

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