Sunday, March 20, 2011

Artificial Spring

Spring is coming slowly to poor old Manitoba, and it's starting to wear on the ladies in the Yost house. The girls are going crazy and driving me bananas. For two weeks straight it was too cold and windy to be outside for too long and inside is just not cutting it anymore, we needed spring and we needed it fast. Since mother nature wasn't cooperating it was off to our local conservatory. It was the best decision I had made all week. We ran, smelled actual flowers and stalked turtles. Frances saw fish and I got to see my first peony in bloom. It rejuvenated us enough that the girls stopped driving me bonkers for a full afternoon.

The conservatory has really stepped it up a notch since we last visited

I tried to get a good picture of the girls together, they sang itsy bitsy spider instead

In our house, the itsy bitsy spider is the height of hilarity

Frances loved the turtles so much she tried to climb into the pond

Can you sense their terror?


Our refuge from the wind and snow.

1 comment:

Pearl said...

Every time I see Teresa wearing pants instead of a skirt or dress, I am shocked. Has she gotten out of that phase, or did she have no choice due to the weather?