Thursday, November 04, 2010

Swimming Lessons - Teresa

Teresa is now in swimming lessons, well, has been for the last few weeks and she is doing really well. This is her second attempt at this level, and I'm glad she's taking it again. This time around she is more independent and confident in her abilities. It's so nice to see her come so far. She is now jumping in with no help from the teacher, going under without freaking out and her front floats are coming along nicely. Teresa loves swimming lessons, maybe she'll take after her mom and be a life guard one day (fingers crossed).

 Class time.

 Frances likes to watch her big sis while she waits.

Big jump

 She's trying to swim on her own!

She looks so proud of herself.


Anonymous said...

So she'll be confident enough next summer that QWANDOR can return to terrify the beach?


Pearl said...

Does Frances get lessons too? She in her swimsuit - inquiring minds need to know...