Thursday, November 18, 2010

More cuteness & Frances Swimming...

So I spend the entire 30 minutes with Frances in the water, primarily trying to keep her from lunging to her impending doom.  Last week, they busted out the life jackets and she learned the terror of being n her own in the water.  This, of course, did not dissuade her from jumping off the wall nor did it keep her from leaping off the wall with a mere hope and a prayer that I will be there for her...

We have fun.  We sing.  We jump.  We blow bubbles.  Frances is better than Teresa was at her age, but she is also so terribly unpredictable...  Last week, she went and tried to give Teresa a pool noodle during Teresa's lesson.  We of course stopped her from jumping in the pool (by the skin of our teeth).

Here's a few pictures Cara took of our joy...

Here is Teresa with a beautiful tie.

This is the most amazing smile I have ever seen.

Frances in her normal state...  Attempting to get undressed.

Dangling by her swimsuit.  She loves that too.

I may look like a goober, but Frances loves playing on my shoulders.

Swimming...  Frances actually holding on...  The water looks cool too.

The key to letting Frances go down the slide is to release her at the steps and quickly lunge towards the slide, hoping that you get there first.

Frances after the slide.  All sorts of happy...  

Yup, more happy + thumb sucking.

Happy, happy, joy, joy.

Here is the one time I was home and Frances was indicating that she was trying too poop.  I put her on the toilet.  She liked it, but has bunged up, so alas, no success.  We will probably be training her over Christmas of after Anna is gone as Cara feels too overwhelmed with her about...


Sarah said...

with Frances' unpredictability, keep in mind that the folksies credit waterwings with saving my life when I took advantage of a *teeny* distraction (Jackie trying to drown herself by taking her waterwings off, I'm told) to go check out the diving board... the kid may need a life jacket when standing beside the pool :)

Pearl said...

What an adorable water-loving monkey! Good to know that she's still living up to the "kamikaze" nickname...