Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day Ken

Dear Ken,

Thank you for being such a wonderful husband and father. I know that will generate some snide comments, but the fact is you are. Your girls appreciate the fact you work so hard to keep us in the life style to which we have grown accustomed, and we love you with our whole hearts!


Sarah said...

I have nothing snide to say about the father's day message except that it would be more Yost-traditional to find a snarky way the say the same thing :-)

Anonymous said...

Snide comment by a Yost? I am shocked although I did have to take a shot of insulin to get my blood sugar back to normal.

Of course, my children (and wife for that matter) for whom I slaved selflessly all those years, have never said anything similar. Not that I mind. I have a thick skin.


Sarah said...

We know better than to try - you'd think we were reacting to discovering we had terminal cancer or worse :-)