Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sarah Was In Town...

Now that the most recent spat of global warming has ended here in Winnipeg, Teresa is finally getting out and playing. She got a new pair of boots that is much easier to put on and she is able to run around really well in them outside. Have we mentioned that she loves Rowdy now? She'll chase him for what seems like hours on end. In fact when I get home Teresa is so excited to see me that she runs to the door, but Rowdy is just as excited and sprints to the front door which distracts Teresa and she ends up chasing Rowdy... Sigh...

Sarah was nice to have around and good to see. I think Cara quite enjoyed being around an adult all day. Sarah enjoyed being around Teresa and Teresa had as sucker that would do 'up' all day and read her a trillion books...

She also now has a repertoire of words & sounds. She can clearly say apple, up and da (which means either dad, dog or done) and can say Row for Rowdy, kind of say koala and is all around so freakin' cute. I am not sure what else there is to report.

Here are some pics

Spinning & dancing...

Finger painting with Sarah... These are 'mess free' Crayola finger paints, but are quite messy as the chemical that reacts (slowly ~5 sec reaction time) with the paper are suspended in Vaseline and is quite gooey.

We made her into 'sprout' by giving her a single pig tail up top.

Do you like cookies too?

Wearing my curling shoes


InsertMonikerHere said...

you forgot "papa" for papyrus, which she grabs just a bit too roughly. And every time I said "cord" for the blind cord, she'd giggle. I think she _totally_ thinks we're putting her on and that's not a word.

Now, as soon as she learns "cookie", she'll have a sucker for that, too :-)

Anonymous said...

It may just be the angle of the pictures, but T looks a LOT taller...