Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wonders of Technology!

What I spent my weekend doing...



Anonymous said...


O. M. G.

Please tell me you've emailed Dad to get him to watch it - he must have his nose rubbed in it PRONTO. Why, left to his own devices, it could be _days_ before he checks the blog. (OTOH, do we _really_ want him glued to the internet? He could blow it up or something...)


Sarah, who is grateful that the lack of speakers on her office computer has gotten her into the habit of checking from home in the mornings...

Anonymous said...

For some reason, YouTube is working at the office today (except for June 7).

I almost hurt my sides I was laughing so hard. However, your mother will be appalled at the suggestion we did not use bleach on the buckets. We did it regularly when she was down at the cabin.

I suspect it was some like the windows - do them once just before the parents arrive and ignore them otherwise.


Ken said...

Cara actually said that mom would be offended :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the advertisement about the Wonders of Technology! Now I no longer have to clean those buckets twice in the short time I am allowed to spend at the beach. I wander how often Armande cleaned them? Any suggestions what we should do with them? How about planters outside? But the coffee machine will still need to be "purged" several times during the summer months - depending on how many pots of coffee is made. This is due to the hard water at the beach. Yosts drink lots of coffee as well a bit of wine.

Now to the "water closet" - who wants the curtain to stay? Should we put in a real door?


Anonymous said...

You have WAY too much time on your hands...

Anonymous said...

Pearl, you're just jealous that they have the time.

Mom, I think the freaky Japanese dude is a fine entryway to the W.C.


Anonymous said...

Truly Excellent!

Though it is sad that future generations will no longer have the joyful experience of breaking their backs lugging water in and out of the cabin or need to brave zillions of mozzies to brush their teeth.


p.s. shouldn't you be spending more time teaching students (and weeding out the hopeless ones) so that they can maybe survive when I get them later on? :)

Anonymous said...

Ken Yost, you made me cry! (While laughing that is). I just got back from Alaska and thought I should check your blog. It was well worth it, there were actually postings! This one was great! BTW, are we still connecting next week (7/11 or 7/12)? E-mail me or call me.
