Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Teresa is a chatty girl...

She zooms around the main floor now, doing laps around the kitchen table and even going so far as to get into the guest room... It is concerning though as she has now pulled over the papyrus twice (this is a problem, as it is a water plant and dumps water everywhere!), pulled on the bamboo, loves stealing the tea towel, yanked down the printer, and her new favorite game is "Look how fast Rowdy jumps up when I almost ram him!" The poor dog gets up, lays down somewhere else and then she attacks him there. She is beginning to learn "NO!", and by that I mean she stops what she does for 2.3 x 10-428 of a second and then blinks and continues on her merry way.

Also, she has started to say "BLA. BLA" and "BA, BA" apparently a GA made it out today too. No MA's yet though.

I got some video of her rolling around yesterday. This will take time to edit though as I am working on a four year old computer now.

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