Thursday, August 17, 2006

Oh the things you buy...

I wonder what people did for kids before big companies got involved. We have been buying everything that we need, diapers, wipes, unscented stuff, clothes, nail clippers... We are soon to get a baby seat (and install it in the car - just in case) along with a breast pump and God only knows what else.

We went down to Grand Forks over the last couple of days and had a nice time. The impetus was the Football Team had lots of stuff that I imported. We went shopping and we found a couple of cute baby things, US food stuffs (Archer Farms is awesome!), a cheap tie, and the baby's mobile - Pooh and plays Brahms lullaby.

We also did something BAD. We bought a baby walker, you know the ones that people flung themselves down stairs in as infants. In the government's infinite wisdom they banned them, thus saving MILLIONS of children's lives a year! Anyhow the US (land of the dead kids) still sells them and I got a Winnie the Pooh themed one for $40 at KMart. We buried it under a bunch of stuff and had no problem at the border.

In other news, I am getting nervous as after this weekend I am away from Cara for the next two. The first one being the MS Bike Tour (170 kms from Stonewall to Gimli & back - if I haven't harassed you for a pledge, email me for info if you want, for those that have pledged, THANKS :) and the next weekend (Thurs morning - Fri LATE/Sat early) the football team is traveling to Saskatoon for an exhibition game against Aden Bowman.

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