Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tuesday's Visit to the Doctor

We went to the doctor's today, and Cara was to have her test for gestational diabetes so we made sure we had a hearty lunch as they suggested. We went to Pancake House where I had a Giant Ham & Cheese with enough cheese to cause a heart attack in a blue whale. As it turns out we were fortunate to have eaten that much.

We got there at 1:28 for our 1:30 appointment. One of the wonderful things about the Canadian health care system is how it doesn't concern itself with the patriarchal, white man's imposition of time... As a white (future) patriarch though I was getting distressed at 1:55 when we hadn't been called into a room. I have to admit I was tempted to claim we were the 'Tara' who was called and actually asked if they meant Cara. Sadly not. We finally got into a room at 2:00, and Cara was told not to bother with the blood sample yet as it would slow things down and it could easily be done after the appointment. Apparently they overestimated the time a blood sample would take as it took the nurse less than 5 minutes to get our results to us post visit, while we waited a few more minutes than 5 for the doctor. Actually it was more like 1000% longer than that. At 2:50 the doctor entered the room! I should have brought a short feature length movie as we would have finished it with time to do a Siskel & Ebert analysis too! The visit took less than 10 minutes and we were out by 3:10 after the blood test was done.

Not much to report, the progression is normal and the ultrasound was fine, with the date being bang on September 15th again. They listened for the heart beating and Little Yostie doesn't like things pressed against his home, as Cara said he was hoofing the thing the entire time. For pulse watchers out there it was 140 this time out. Cara's diabetes number was a touch above normal, but still well under where they worry about performing further tests.

After that we went to CBS to donate blood (me only, as Cara is ineligible) and saw Dianne who was so excited to see that we were expecting. For those who may recall, Dianne was our swim instructor at the beach when we were mere midgets. After a quick donation, straight off to WalMart to pick up some painting supplies and then home. I dropped Cara off as I was to get my hair cut, seeing as I now look like some hippy folk singer. Not a minute from the house, Cara calls. Rowdy threw up in his kennel and had diarrhea sometime between noon and 4. I turned around and helped out at home. We took him to the vet though as I was concerned that the TBone from the steaks on Sunday maybe splintered and hacked him up inside. Turned out there were no bones, rather just a pile of gas left. We were told the marrow is quite fatty and causes some problems. Unfortunately for Rowdy his food is going to be boiled ground beef and white rice for a few days while on antibiotics and now all bones will go in the garbage! Ah well, a costly learning experience for us!

What a long day it was...


Anonymous said...

Hey guys;

I am so glad all is well. sorry to hear about Rowdy getting sick, it's never pretty to find the aftermath of that! If you need anything, give a call -- Michelle

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.