Saturday, December 08, 2012


So a full month has come and gone...  And here it is in a quickish nutshell...  Snow came earlish to Manitoba this year, and it stayed.

Cara walks the girls to school in a wagon quite often.  She sometimes waits for me coming off the bus and then I get to see cuteness & take pictures.

Sometimes we have snowball fights.

We had a gorgeous day in late November which I used to hang the Christmas lights (and I bought a pile more from Canadian Tire on 2011 clearance!) while the girls played outside.

Teresa enjoys playing on the pile of snow by the strip mall near her school.

Warm & cute.

A noble dog & a fine looking house.  Teresa saw the candy canes on sale at Canadian Tire when I went to look for another inflatable (I was hoping for the Tigger that emerges from a Christmas Tree, but that was 2011).  We got the Eeyore instead.

Two girls playing outside...

Frances having fun at swimming lessons.  Teresa had lessons at the same time, sadly they showed that they both had Yost DNA and they both failed...


Anonymous said...

We have virtually no snow on the ground and are supposed to be +6 with rain tomorrow. We need snow for Christmas!

I am confused by the Yost DNA remark. Don't Michelle and Nicole have Yost DNA? Were they not national level swimmers in the USA?

Now if you had said they got the "wrong" Yost DNA and so will have brains but not athletic ability I would have understood.


Sarah said...

all the athletic genes were tied up with the tanning ones, Dad, so I think their only hope was an infusion of Friesen athleticism