Sunday, October 28, 2012

Teresa's First Lost Tooth!

I had mentioned on Facebook about a week ago that Teresa had a loose tooth and we kept track of it until today at church Cara noticed that a tooth was coming out underneath it.  As such Cara got out the gauze and tore it from her gums.  The tooth fairy (which she doesn't believe in due to some stupid Arthur book!) shall not visit our house tonight as she wishes to show it to her best friend Grace.  As I type Cara informs me that Teresa is ridiculous as she is practicing saying words to make sure she can still enunciate properly...

For those keeping score at home and involved in the numerous pools, the first tooth out was the lower right central incisor.

Yup, that's a tooth.

And a hole in toothline

1 down, 23 to go.


Pearl said...

I should have mentioned this earlier, but we has a discussion over dinner, and we decided that Frances should have stolen the tooth and put it under *her* pillow. Whatever - Teresa can not believe if she wants to, but there's money to be had here, people! ;)

sarah said...

Who needs to believe? I don't recall the tooth fairy being any more "real" than the Easter bunny, and after a while Mom would tell us to go get a dime from Dad's dresser
(What? Am I the only one that happened to?)