Monday, December 19, 2011

The First Gathering...

The fourth Sunday of advent is always a busy one at the House of Yost. Our parish has a "Birthday Party for Jesus" and Cara's maternal grandparents host their gathering. As always it was a big and busy affair. The girls were excited to get some gifts and I think it stoke their engines and they are asking about Christmas and how long, etc... We even got lucky and although we forgot Teddy, Teresa remembered close enough to Steinbach that a U-turn was easier than a week of tears.

Here's a few pics and video from the events (and a few other things)
Frances' Face Painting at B-Day Party for Jesus

Great grandma & grandpa with the girls.

Margaret is pretty cute...  Oh, hi Cara...

Frances got this fairy costume from her ticket.  She's so cute, running around saying "poof", turing me into a frog, grandma into an evil queen and Cara into a princess.

She naps on me still!  The greatest thing about babies...

Opening gifts.

The three girls.

Frances "Poofing"

Frances Bowling at Bday Party

Teresa and Frances being Crazy.

1 comment:

Jackie Yost said...

What a busy day Sunday was for you. And there are still 6 more sleeps to Christmas!