Saturday, November 19, 2011

Catching Up...

Maraget is over two months now, and man is she ever getting chunky.  Cara will soon be taking the two mont pictures and will be making up some sort of post I am sure.

Teresa is loving kindergarten, although we need to get her tested for her hearing and eyesight (eyes passed today).  Also, we are learning about the insanity of government trying to micro-manage our lives as Teresa was not allowed to bring any Hallowe'en candy as part of a snack, and we just got in trouble for sending a fruit snack (fruit gummy things) as they aren't healthy enough.  Thanks, but I'm the parent, so butt out.  Lastly we have dealt with our first head lice scare and Teresa has been bringing home all sort of exciting illnesses...  The girls have both had the stomach flu in the past few weeks and one other horrible sickness that required us getting up at all hours of the night.  Last Sunday night at 3 am (Monday morning I guess), I got up and tried to run to get Teresa to the washroom on time and ended up kicking the bed in the darkness.  I have been limping since and I am pretty sure my middle toe is broken, of course I am ot sure because I spent time in an emergency waiting room (over 3 hours) during which time not even the people brought in by ambulance on stretcher had been admitted.  I gave up.

As for me, I'm still crazy busy with football, as we won the championship.  When you win you have more stuff to deal with after.  Losing is easier, though less fun...  After we won, we went out to Thief River Falls and enjoyed their water park for Ray & Myrna's 35th anniversary.  I have no pictures, as I was having too much fun getting wet with the girls.  I also learned that the CBSA at Tolstoi are a little more into their job than those at Emerson, no big deal, but to make a long story short I learned that  #1: Even if you have Andrea in your car, you can't use her booze limit as she is not "family" and #2: Tobacco limits are not actually duty free, you can only get tobacco as part of your limit if it has a "Canada Duty Paid" stamp on it (buying for a coworker, don't worry mom), which begs the question what the hell is the point of the tobacco exemption?

Um yeah, so here are some pictures, and some videos I have taken of the girls lately.

Teresa's Play-Doh version of Rapunzel

Frances & I watching skating.

I love it when Margaret falls asleep in my arms...

More of the same sort of cuteness.  I think Cara texted this to me at work...

Pics from the family photo session

Frances looking much too old

Same thing for Teresa.

Now for some videos:

Frances running like a crazy girl at skating.

Teresa skating a month ago.

Teresa skating two weeks ago

Teresa turning around a cone.

Teresa & Frances spin dancing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greatly enjoyed the pictures and videos. You are right that Frances and Teresa particularly are looking much too old.

sorry about the toe. Health care has problems everywhere. There probably isn't they could have done with the toe anyway. I recall they taped my broken toe to another toe and suggested I try to keep weight off it.
