Wednesday, March 14, 2007

But Not the Hippopotamus

Saturday Cara went out to buy a couple of books for Porter's 2nd birthday (her cousin's kid), and came home with a time tested favorite for Teresa... Of course, "But Not the Hippopotamus" is now in heavy rotation on the night time reading circuit. For those that don't know it is a book of deep character development, growth and introspection. If not the Hippo, why not? Why can he not have a new running hat, and what of the armadillo? How can we a Christians reconcile our beliefs with the fact that animals are being excluded frombog cavortation? It is a profound and personal book...


Anonymous said...

Wasn't the original text "_cavort_ in a bog"? Methinks that Teresa is being subjected to a dumbed-down version...

Oh, the humanity!


Cara said...

Don't worry Yosties, the version we have still includes the controversial cavorting of the hog and the frog. Ken claims it's written at a level that may confuse some high school students.


Ken said...

Some? Virtually all! I use words like "succinct" and they stare at me and require the use of a dictionary to prove that I am not making things up!!

Sad, this education system is! - Yoda


Anonymous said...

About time - Teresa has well mastered the existentialist subtleties of Moo Baa Lalalaaa, and it is time for a true classic in the psychological literature.

