Monday, November 27, 2006

Computer's Back!

It has been a little bit quiet on the blog of late because I have had my MacBook in the shop to get an optical drive replaced (I got a dud - long story). I thought it was a great idea to do it last week, as I only missed a couple of classes. I forgot though about Thanksgiving in the US where I needed the parts shipped from. Nothing new to report on our end, save that we are less than a month from my family moving in and meeting Teresa for the first time

Here are the new pics:

Being silly with my puppy.. Rowdy lets me abuse him so much that I am not at all concerned about Teresa

Now some random cute pictures...

We left the cuteness generator on again!

Feeding Time!

Teresa is playing on her Baby Einstein mat. She is getting pretty good at swatting stuff hanging above her. During belly time she's getting good at holding her head really high up, and partially lifting her chest.

Rowdy helping out at feeding time.

Last cuteness dose for the time being!