Well, I have a mildly funny / embarrassing story to tell about my daughter & I. Teresa hates being left alone, and hates it even more when you are in the bathroom behind a closed door. As such I have learned to keep the door open and do my business incredibly quickly as she stares at me like "Wow! What's that?". Yesterday I am doing that very thing, but she finds her way in, not normally an issue, until she actually gets in front of me and the toilet... Sparing further details, I had to wash her hair. This is her modus operandi though as she constantly pushes her way through everyone's legs. When she grows 1-2 more inches I will be in trouble, as she has taken to running headlong into the abyss and crashing into legs / crotches / whatever...
Ah well...
Some pictures now from Hudson (Cara's cousin Jackie's kid)'s 1st birthday & our experimentation with pigtails for church on Sunday...

Playin with her second cousins (I think, I looked it up on wikipedia and it wasn't 100% clear)

Did I mention that shaving is for those who aren't lazy?

Helping washing her messy second cousin

Trying pigtails on for size. We saw them the day before and Cara liked them enough to try them out.

Don't ask me...

Mom & her girl.
OMG.......thats a cute and funny story! I remember when mine was the young and little. I'll have to share this story with hubby, he'll get a kick of it.
Doing some blog walking and found myself here. Always fun to poke around a bit and say hi to some new folks, see what their up to etc.
Please stop by for a visit, welcome mats always out.
Oh my God! She looks so much older with the pig tails - at least two - practically a grown up!
Tres cute, as usual.
I am not a fan of the pig tail look though I would not want Cara to think this was a criticism of her parenting skills. I just think she's cuter the regular way. What are conservatives (reactionaries?) for if not to be appalled at all changes?
PS - She can live with the bathroom door closed. You kids survived it.
...except Sarah :)
I have no idea what Ken is talking about. Zip.
... and based on this post, maybe I'm better off that way...
It references dad's post on how all the kid's survived is abuses...
Geez, do I need to draw you a picture people? :)
I got it - it's not my fault Sarah is slow... But I guess that's what happens when you only go to a _technical_ school! :)
Bring on more piggies!!
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