Playing cards with the star of the show.

More cards. She is learning the finer points of bridge

Playing Duplo with Owen

Helping Grandpa & Dad Shovel. Ottawa had over a metre of snow in December. I shoveled thricely in the nation's capital, and only had a cursory snow push when I returned. This was her first time she has been happy for more than 30 seconds in her boots outside.

New Year's Eve.
What would life be without a picture of Teresa drinking?

Opening her 1st anniversary of her baptism gift from her Godmother. Quite appropriate if you ask me. I added the last picture because the only picture of the back has Cara looking not as nice as the final one :)

We need Advanced Photoshopping ("24"-, "CSI"- or even "Star Trek"-grade) to make a really good picture out of the last & 2nd-last...
About time you posted!
More pics please poster mcposterton...
p.s. I heard through the grapevine (James) that the little miss was on fuss-o-matic - apparently there aren't enough people to entertain her...
Don't worry, she got over it.
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