Just joking mom & dad. Put the phone down, and quit looking up CFS's number (which for the record is 204-945-6964. Oh yes, and whenever I first her in a day (picked up or coming through the door) she is always running to see me (battling with Rowdy who is desperate for love) and smiles... That is the highlight of my day. I should make a video of it to remind myself why I like the surly emo-loving 15 year old that is inevitably coming... Either that or just replace her with a newer (and certainly cuter) model.
No Tony, this is not us announcing anything. We're too broke right now...
Cara & I took a few pics. Teresa with her backpack (the one I thought was best in mini is blurry :(, and then a couple of her with her new elephant chair, except because it creates CRAZY static I was holding it above her head to make it look crazy!
Thus endeth my stream-of-unconciousness blog post for the month! Next time, maybe you'll be lucky enough to have a Cara post. You know the ones, they have grammar, they lead somewhere and give informaiton you care about...
(& a dirty face - I forgot to wash it)
1 comment:
TIGGER BACKPACK...memories circa 1998.
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