Well, it has been a while but we haven't been taking too many pictures lately. Between getting ready for exams, everyone in the family having a cold and general post-Christmas malaise there has not been much to report. Teresa seems to be getting smarter everyday though, as she knows how to properly stack dishes, put her hat and mitts on her own... Beyond that we think her eye teeth are coming in and she really enjoys playing tug of war with Rowdy. He's pretty darn gentle compared to how he plays with me...
I am sure there are a ton of things we could say but we forget about them because she is around us all the time. We will get some new pics in the near future, but until then enjoy the Yost family pic.

Pearl, next time move a little more to the right (your left). We can still see Ed!

Teresa needs spoons to be calmed down...
Thank you for the update.
Not to sound grumpy or anything, but I already know what I look like! What I don't know is what Teresa looks like now. I mean, it's been three weeks and all!
Get with the program people!
Pearl :)
Pearl, I'll tell you what I tell my students, the more you complain, the slower I go...no exceptions! And that goes for the rest of you!
Have you had any subbing days yet? If so, have you yet felt that your toddler is smarter than the whole class ;-) ?
For interested parties from away who are missing the Teresa fix, I can report that after babysitting on Saturday that she's a thousand times cuter and smarter than the last time you saw her and a whole lot of fun! And that laugh is contagious too!
And Cara, don't worry about how quickly you add new Teresa content, it's fine (Let's see if the reverse psychology works)
Damn me & my weak mind! Stupid reverse psychology!
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