Hey all, it's guest blogger Cara! We are finally ready to share some of our photos from our two straight weeks of Christmas. There are about 20 pictures, so if you don't have a good 5 minutes to peruse this post, STOP NOW!
To give everyone a quick update, this is what happened over Christmas:
We saw family every day from Dec. 23rd to Jan. 4.
Teresa cut 2 teeth in one week. That gives her a total of eight so far, and it means she has cut all of them in the span of 3 months.
Teresa was very excited about opening presents, but once the mystery was gone, she wasn't so enthused.
My parents gave Teresa a Dora the Explorer backpack that sings....and it's irritating so of course T loves it! Ken and I are plotting it's demise.
I got lost on a walk in Ottawa and ended up fainting in the shower....long story (but funny)
So without further ado, here are the pics:

Ooooo, presents Thanks Uncle Jeffie

Pudding is one of Teresa's favourite things

Yay! Christmas jammies.

"Helping" Auntie open presents

All smiles on Christmas morning.

Stocking time!

Thanks for the stuff Mom!

playing with her Little People Circus

T's new chair

Yes, Ken does this EVERY year!

I made our parents and T's Godparents a book with month by month pics of her first year, here she is looking at it with grandma

Oooooo, shiny

Noooo, I specifically asked for the pink one!

Let me help Dad, you are obviously new at this.

Hmmmm, what could this be?

Yay Duplo!

Grandma opening her gift from Ken and I.

Teresa and Owen, tub buddies until it becomes grossly inappropriate.

Yes, Ken is wearing Teresa's hat.

Shenanigans at Carolyn and Mikes'

That grandpa is such a sucker...I mean good sharer.

Drunk hungry men playing cards.

Hmm, which end explodes?

New Years baby

The original Yost clan plus Teresa. No spouses allowed, sniff.

It wouldn't be a post without photos of potential injuries!
Well, that was our Christmas in a nutshell. Now were revert back to the daily grind.