In other news, I think it's safe to say she is potty trained, and not having to change 6 or 7 diapers a day is inexplicably great. Teresa is also speaking in sentences (such as they are) and can count to ten. She also spontaneously spelled stop the other day. That seems to be an anomaly which I will chalk up to spontaneous brilliance:) Teresa's favourite saying to date is "way way hot" in reference to anything with steam coming off of it. We can thank her Auntie Andrea for that contribution, although it was originally in reference to a fruit stand guy. Teresa also seems to have developed an obsession with Curious George, and we went to the library yesterday to pick up some different George books. The reason for this was, and I'm not going to lie, out of desperation I had taken to hiding the ones we have so I didn't have to read them ten times a day, so I decided I needed some variety. Teresa also LOVES anything to do with pigs, despite her Uncle Ed and Auntie Tarra's efforts to point her in the direction of Polar bears.
As for the other Yost child, things are trucking along. I am slowly regaining my energy and ability to eat foods containing protein. Onions are still out, which depresses Ken to no end, but he does not get much sympathy from me. Our first doctor appointment is on Aug. 5th, and I am lucky enough to have the same doctor I had with Teresa. It is at that appointment we will get to hear the heartbeat of our latest little one and make sure all is well.
Here are a few pictures of Teresa, for those of you that like that sort of thing:)
Teresa guessed it Curious George!
Teresa's new game.
And the view from the front.
Look! I can put my shoes on, ALL BY MYSELF!
Take this facial expression, put it on a 14 year old, and you get " parents totally suck!" Now you know what I'm dealing with.
I don't know... 14-yr olds generally indulge in a lot of eye rolling and deep "why-does-the-world-hate-me-so-to-have-stuck-me-with-_these_-parents" sighing... As bad as her attitude is now, it could be worse!
One more update before the 'rents arrive and you guys go underground for a month? Pleeeeeeeeease??
I'm sure I can find a 14 year old that could stay with you for a month or so. This could reinforce how pleasant Teresa's behavior is right now. Just let me know and I'll start looking. :-)
She loves PIGS??? I suppose we'll just have to re-double our efforts! ;-)
The pictures were (as always) awesome!
And her favourite games is very entertaining! How will she cope with the venetian blinds at the cabin though?
She smacks the blinds and they make a cool noise, with Teresa, there is always a silver lining.
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