As I carefully fold my sheets,
Smoothing out the wrinkles,
Bringing corner to corner...
Lovingly, I think of You, my Lord.
The pile of laundry seemingly grows beside me,
As I strive to keep up
With this never-ending chore.
But, in my laundry room...
I thank You, my dear Lord,
For loving me and allowing me
To serve You in my family.
-From the Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers
When exactly was said prayer book written? Sounds a little...dated?
Though it's a huge mountain of clothes, and Teresa's state of undress makes it seem almost as though all of them came off her.
It only seems dated because you aren't a parent:) And Teresa is undressed because, well, she took her own clothes off for a while. Why, we shall never know.
You can recite it all you like, but it will never convince me. Folding laundry is evil, pure and simple. :)
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