So today is the day we put Teresa in her big girl room. Teresa will be fine with this, Teresa is fine with anything it seems. The problem here is Ken and I, who promised each other we would not wimp out. We'll see, but I think we can do it. Are we being silly...perhaps. Overly sentimental, most certainly. I find myself looking at her nursery (now empty of all things Teresa) and remembering those sweet days of expectation, when we were waiting (impatiently) to meet the person who would occupy this room. We are now moving her into the room that she will occupy until she moves out. I think my main problem is that there are times when I look at her and still see this:

So the best thing to do is just get her into that room ASAP, no dawdling.
In other news, we went to the conservatory last saturday, and Teresa had a great time running around, touching and smelling everything. The hilarious thing was that she would bend down, sniff whatever, then say mmmmm. Some of these plants do not have a scent, so I'm wondering what she thinks she's supposed to smell? If I were a cruel parent, I would test this out with something stinky, who am I kidding, I probably will. The following are pictures of a cute Teresa, turtles, fish and some cool plants. We will post pictures of the new room soon.

It's OK Ken and Cara. Your parents still see you babes in arms and wonder when you got so big.
Off to Quebec and when I get back off to Italy so I won't get my Teresa updates for awhile.
Ken, you are turning into Dad, with his patented arm-cradle whinging :-)
Cara posted this Sarah... I am a sad and weepy loser yes, but I DON'T WHING!!!
Mom, did you send Sarah a spell check?
It's "whinge", Ken, not "whing". I am trying to stave off yank-english-itis by going for Britishisms, sheesh :-)
Although, I don't know if it's 'whingeing' or 'whinging', so maybe I need a Brit spellcheck...
whinge |(h)winj| Brit., informal
verb ( whingeing ) [ intrans. ]
VIA OED on Mac
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