Well, I know a number of people wanted to know about the filthy daughter and what came of it... Literally moments after I shut off the video (and yes dad, I did know it was going to be cute and I didn't want to have to hold the camera for 10 minutes so I tripoded it) Cara walked through the door. I was honest and told her exactly what Teresa did & why. Lying wouldn't be a good choice as it was going to be blogged... I decided that I needed a shower anyhow, so I brought Teresa in to the shower with me and we got cleaned up. She is not a huge fan of showers, but she was getting used to it near the end. Beyond that there isn't too much to report. Her room is 95% complete and the dishwasher is 99% installed. Pictures will be posted when it is all done.
Here are a couple more pictures of her enjoying chocolate...
First, she eats a Bernard Calebault (sp?) chocolate bunny on a stick, courtesy of grandma Friesen (& grandpa too I guess)...

Now, for some of the pictures of her & the Flapper Egg. The last one is us ready to shower and get clean...

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