Since I have last posted Teresa can stand up on her own, but has very little balance. She loves hanging onto fingers and walking around. She waves bye-bye to people and can make one toy play music by placing a ball in a hole that barely fits it. Of course mom & dad were enthralled by her and I am sure are missing her already as they in St. Cloud visiting Sarah.
Of course, I am happy to report that all Minnesotans that I know are OK. Sarah was near the bridge, Russ drives over it every day but chose a different route home and I am assuming the Greys are OK as they never drive on I35 with me :)
I will be doing video work in the future but I don't know when it will be done. This week we are going to see Phil & Lindsay, going to Kenora, the Simpsons movie, maybe a Big Band concert... Back in the swing of it I guess. The beach was as always great.
Now for some pictures from Ottawa (I PROMISE that I will post beach pictures soon, but not everyone was in Ottawa)...
Look, Jackie & Teresa do get along! (Food, the universal language)
Crawling Position!
What a mess! Teresa loved paying in the flyers & catalogues...
Teresa played patty-cake with Grandma.
On the way home now... Teresa eating in Mattawa (this is where the Trans Canada highway turns away from the Ottawa River towards North Bay. The next 2 hours of driving is quite barren.
On the dock in Mattawa (Cara is taking the pic)
We have to give Rowdy a few pics from time to time.... I love it when he flings himself into the water. The tennis ball is out there, a green dot in the distance.
Got the ball...
Taking the slide in Blind River.
Am I immature, or is this a poorly named rest stop near St. Cloud, MN? :)
Well, I guess I'll join in you the immaturity... Ha!
Great pics!
P.S. For the record, our pool is not hoity toity, it's merely nouveau salty...
Oh, you're immature all right, but not because of THAT. That place name belongs in the song about Come-by-Chance and Conception Bay ;-)
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