I suppose I should mention that a new era has begun. Grant Park defeated Sisler 2 in exhibition play 15-0 today and I have a bit of a story. Tuesday I am in charge of my daughter as Cara is at ceramics. I was in the basement and she LOVES rumbling around the basement exploring and doing laps of the couch. I wasn't paying attention for maybe 30-45 seconds and BANG she is standing on the stairs, 1 step up, grasping the hand rail and balancing really well. Needless to say I pooped my pants and made it over there in a couple of seconds to 'save' her from the inevitable tumble & crying.
Beyond that... PICTURES!!
Eating a popsicle, notice the length of her bangs
Since you did not post pictures after the haircut I thought you were ashamed of the "new look". The cut is not as bad as I thought it would be. Hair is no longer in her eyes.
Oh, come on, it's a REALLY cute bob. Ken just has problems with change (hmmm, probably where the niblet gets it from).
Heh. And you were just saying that, nope, she can't deal with stairs yet.
BTW, CDs burned, sealed, to be mailed today.
Yes she can deal with stairs, no joke. She can make it up 1 for now, more to follow in short order I'm sure.
I personally like the new cut. At least she can see now!
I'm also pretty certain that you were probably not watching her for much more the 40 seconds....come on now, don't lie!
p.s. she's getting close to the big birthday. Man time is just on a really fast roller coster these days.
Yeah, she can clearly see now. But I think she's permanently picked up a "grab a toy and wipe it up over the face and head" game, which I'll bet she started doing to push hair out of her eyes.
I also think the new do looks good on her but then what wouldn't?
Just back from the conference on alcohol, drugs and traffic safety. the scientific consensus remains that alcohol and drugs are very, very bad for traffic safety. Do make sure that Teresa learns that lesson.
The first 2/3 of the conference sounded like fun...
I'll teach Teresa to marry a man that takes medication that restricts his ability to drink alcohol, it's worked well for me :)
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