I guess that I haven't been that great in keeping up to date,but that is due to the fact that my parents have been at the lake and when I have any free time, I am with them not posting cute pictures of Teresa. Of course, this means that I now have about a trillion cute pictures (truth is mom has a ton, I have a bunch and am waiting for mom's ton to arrive with Sarah at a later date).
Since I have last posted Teresa can stand up on her own, but has very little balance. She loves hanging onto fingers and walking around. She waves bye-bye to people and can make one toy play music by placing a ball in a hole that barely fits it. Of course mom & dad were enthralled by her and I am sure are missing her already as they in St. Cloud visiting Sarah.
Of course, I am happy to report that all Minnesotans that I know are OK. Sarah was near the bridge, Russ drives over it every day but chose a different route home and I am assuming the Greys are OK as they never drive on I35 with me :)
I will be doing video work in the future but I don't know when it will be done. This week we are going to see Phil & Lindsay, going to Kenora, the Simpsons movie, maybe a Big Band concert... Back in the swing of it I guess. The beach was as always great.
Now for some pictures from Ottawa (I
PROMISE that I will post beach pictures soon, but not everyone was in Ottawa)...

Look, Jackie & Teresa do get along! (Food, the universal language)

Crawling Position!

What a mess! Teresa loved paying in the flyers & catalogues...

Teresa played patty-cake with Grandma.

On the way home now... Teresa eating in Mattawa (this is where the Trans Canada highway turns away from the Ottawa River towards North Bay. The next 2 hours of driving is quite barren.

On the dock in Mattawa (Cara is taking the pic)

We have to give Rowdy a few pics from time to time.... I love it when he flings himself into the water. The tennis ball is out there, a green dot in the distance.

Got the ball...

Taking the slide in Blind River.

Am I immature, or is this a poorly named rest stop near St. Cloud, MN? :)