We also now have Teresa napping very well. She gets her 9 hours at night, without fussing, and then gets a few good naps in during the day!
Teresa has a doctor's appointment and more shots tomorrow...
In other news, half my exams are done, the Christmas & Baptism video is edited, and I won my first curling game. I have no new pictures, but I did get other people Christmas & Baptism pics so I will post a few of those.
The first set is of Christmas time, including a family picture from our visit to the Gannon's house. Sorry for the delay, but I had to learn how to add pictures again. These new fangled cameras take pictures with large files (mine can, it's just not set up to), and you can only upload 2 at a time due to that. We took some video this morning and want to get her giggling this afternoon and then we will post a little video. I will also put up more baptism pics post haste.

Andrea's daughter & Teresa

Family Picure

Teresa & Aunts

Teresa & Sarah

Teresa & Ed

More smiles!

Tired Times

Teresa will learn maturity from mom.
1 comment:
Dear Cara -
See, it's not only Sarah who comments on how cute the cutest baby ever (TM) is... I do too!
I can't currently access the movie, but will try from home and comment on that post too.
Hope T's parentals are doing fine too.
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