I do though need to tell one story from Christmas because there are pictures. The day of the big snowfall, as it began to lightly fall I figured that it was mild so I would take Teresa on a sled ride on the infant sled we were lent by a neighbour. Anyhow, I took her & Rowdy out together... She decided when I was on the river that she had enough and I tried to mollify her as best I could as I go home quickly. She was right pissed at the end of it, but oh so cute at the start...
Anyhow, here are the next 10 pictures that you get...
Tony & Teresa
Teresa's gift from Jackie - Bunnykins breakfast dishes
Story time with Grandpa Yost
Russ came over to see the star of the show...
Pearl, Ed & Jackie
Dad & dog
Teresa getting ready to sled...
The paws are so cute.
Jackie & Teresa. Teresa fussed almost every time she held her. Don't worry Auntie Paula, you're in good company.
The Godparents & Child of God.
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