We learned something important recently. Apparently travelling with infants is not a good idea. The trip to Grand Forks seems to have thrown everything into cuckooville. Teresa is now eating ravenoursly every about 2 hours, but is doing her damndest to quit breastfeeding and only take a bottle. There have been times when she has cried for over an hour instead of eating... Needless to say this translates into stressful times for Cara. Besides that her sleep patterns are a little off, but not too bad. Rowdy seemed to have a had a good 'guys weekend' with Warren (sans Lindsay) and is happy that I can take him out to the dog park now.
I am quite tired today as Teresa decided to eat (but not take the breast and rather cry for a while) at 4:00 am. Ahhhh.... They joys of parenthood.
Grey Cup week is here, and Paul Barnes is flying in from Torontoto check it out so I will be having some fun. It should be a good game. Jeff came over last night and was looking exceptionally cute with Teresa. Here are the pictures:

That a nice outfit Teresa has on!
See how important it is to have a Wpg Christmas? Imagine - you could have had all that PLUS Teresa would have had her ears hurting from air pressure changes.
I do have to say she looks pretty calm in the pics, but I gather that mood isn't lasting long.
I wonder if the kidlet has noticed the difference in bottle vs breast, and that's why she's demanding the bottle? From what my CA friend told me, babies have to work more to get milk directly from mom.
OTOH, her boy didn't like the bottle much at first - after months direct from her, he had to learn how to stop it from a bottle.
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