Cara had her baby shower at her mom's on Sunday. I guess it was a fun time, but I wasn't there. Thanks to all those who bought us stuff, helped out or just came and had fun. Cara figures everyone bought pink clothes because it was their chance to see Cara excited about pink :) We also got a number of things we needed and clothes for months & months...
Rowdy will be staying with Warren & Lindsay this weekend who sound excited to have him (YAY!) Thanks guys...
And finally a note I forgot. Teresa (or Hungry, Hungry Hippo as I like to call her) had another doctor's appointment today. Our little porker gained over a pound in 2 weeks and is 10 lb, 6 oz (from 9 lbs 3oz) and grew a half inch to 23". She is beginning to get some chub on her arms and around her wrists
We have a pile of new pics, so I will only choose the best.

Cara & Teresa fell asleep together. Sometimes Teresa sleeps between us at nights. She has for two nights in a row now slept for 6.5 hours through the night. This does not mean anything yet... I am knocking on wood as I type this :)

Some of Cara's cousins holding T-Rizzle (her gansta' name). Its Leah, Stas & Ilsa!

Here I am holding Teresa. I can't recall what prompted Cara to take these pics. Cara just reminded me that I put 'faux-hawk' on her... Can't tell if it turned out. And yes that is a quasi-beard. I went with it because it is easier to explain away my unshaveness at work if it is only a mild amount of trimming missing, not the whole stubbly face. It is a playoff / new dad beard.

Caa & Teresa are watching the TV intently together.

Teresa looking cute (& fatter!)

Some exceptionally cute Rowdy & Teresa pics... Cara was holding Teresa and Rowdy came up and nuzzled into her and then Teresa put her tiny hand which barely covered her nose. I wasn't there but Cara said it was the cutest thing!
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