Finger painting! Courtesy of Auntie Sarah
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Frances asked for pics with her dolly.
Teresa enjoys ‘reading’ to Frances. And that is quite the outfit.
Bathtime & bubbles!
Frances’ first night in her big girl bed! The first night was decent, but her first nap with Teresa involved infinitely more play than sleep.
Costume time!
Yes, the monkey costume is meant for a 2 y/o why do you ask?
We has a fire and Teresa sat down by it in order to warm up… Of course clothes may have been beneficial too.
(EDIT: Windows Live sucks for blog posts. I hate you Bill Gates!)
It does seem a bit... pixelly. But good to know you haven't given up on the blog!
maybe there are some defaults for image size and definition that you can change?
BTW, when you click on them, you get the full-res images
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