Today is Frances' official four month birthday, and, I must admit, life is pretty sweet. Frances is doing very well. She is now rolling over like a pro, and has even made it back on to her back a couple times. Her favourite activities continue to be eating, sleeping, licking stuff and kicking. She has added a couple more tricks to her repertoire: Frances will now sing along with me (her two favourites are "Rubber Ducky" and "I Don't Wanna Live on the Moon") and she loves to watch her big sis and giggle. Bath time is no longer seen as a time of torture (much to our neighbors relief) and Frances continues to grow and change and become less of an infant every day.
Although I love watching her grow, develop and change, it is bittersweet. I now know how fast they grow, soon enough this little baby will slip though my fingers and be off to pre-school. I am looking forward to seeing Teresa and Frances become the women they are meant to be, but I do wish time moved a little slower, and was more forgiving. Alas, this four months has been a blessing, and I am sure Frances is looking forward to her milk party later on.

These fingers are flavour country!

A smile for her legions of fans

A close up of my precious girl

Mom, I'm done with this photo shoot!

She loves that big sis of hers.
Aawwwwwww... Cute, as always!
awww she's so cute.
But I'm pretty sure Teresa had much crazier hair at that age.
can't wait to meet your gal!
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