Ken, as is his nature was very excited about this pool, so he promptly filled it up in the morning. After Teresa's nap he decided that she needed a swim, so we put on her swimsuit and took her outside. She did not want to go in at first, so Ken let her explore it for a while, and before you know it, in she was. Teresa had a great time splashing and playing, but it did not take long for her to get cold. There she was, her little body shivering and lower lip quivering, yet she refused to leave the water. Ken eventually grew so concerned that he plucked her out. What followed were many minutes of screaming (and shivering) as we got her dry and dressed. If I were a true Yost I would have given her some ice cream afterwards, but it has only been 8 years, so I am not fully indoctrinated as yet:) The Auntie Jackie gene seems to be strong in my little girl and that scares the crap out of me, but the bright side is I am no longer afraid of garage sales.
forget the auntie Jackie gene ... you DO realize you married the one who went swimming in the spring Lake Winnipeg ice cubes, right?
But I never chatter when I am cold... Unlike Auntie Blue at the ice cream shop...
Chocolate dipped ice cream cone...
I might add that the bottom picture is my favorite picture of her life so far... 95% sure...
Jackie, also don't forget that the waves were great that day :)
Has nobody heard about removing child, adding boiling water, stir and than return child to pool.
We're new at this, cut us some slack. Good idea though... And you spelled 'then' wrong, or used the wrong homonym :)
Ouch! Spell-checking the "spell-checker". Harsh!
p.s. My verification word is "Guarfbu", which I think would be a fantastic name for a cartoon character. Just sayin'
You don't need to be an "experienced" parent to make your child's water warm - just a smart one!
L :)
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