Well, Teresa needed to be reminded to sleep in at 5:45 today, but when we got up at 7:45 it was an overcast 10 degrees with a stiff North wind causing huge waves. Thankfully I had come prepared and had packed only Tshirts for myself and Teresa had 1 long sleeved shirt and a thin rain jacket. As such, we will be driving to church because while we could bond in the hospital together recovering from hypothermia, I’d rather it not be from walking to church, rather playing in the lake.
After another Health Check approved breakfast of cinnamon buns, Teresa & I got to washing the dishes that were around, so we could let them drip dry. Teresa helped by re-rinsing all sorts of things that had already been in the drying rack. My favorite though was when she used the 1/4 cup measure to fill the coffee basket which of course dripped all over the floor. Yes, yet another good reason not to finish the flooring.
A little later (but before we headed off to church) we read a few books. I got irritated though as we had read the same books too often already this week so I searched the cottage, and finally found the mother load under the bunk beds! I found all our childhood books including THE The Cat in The Hat, and I pulled out a few... Teresa got to read the original Going to Bed Book, But Not The Hippo, Good Time to Eat (Cookie Monster pre-sissification), In The Night Kitchen, Where The Wild Things Are. I also found all the old Titous and a bunch of other books. Yay! As I type this Teresa is playing her new game. Grab me from behind on the chair and pull & push me and have my whole body move forward and backward. Time to get up, play a bit and then pack for church!
We just got back from church and I saw a few people from SPHS I hadn’t seen in a while, so that was nice. Teresa was pretty well behaved through the mass, and some of the people were amused by her energetic (and late) Amens. Also, after communion she wanted to run away but I wouldn’t let her so she stood at the aisle and shook everyone’s hand coming back. So super cute. Teresa is eating chips right now

and when she is done, we’ll be calling my dad to say hi.

Here she is talking to grandpa Yost (on speakerphone so we could all hear everything).
After the call, we went out for a walk and we did the tour de roche, seeing all the rocks, starting with the small one that she can climb (with help) in our yard, then we stopped at face rock.

We walked to near the front beach, but since we had Rowdy we didn’t go all the way, instead stopping at the world’s safest play structure.

Please note the safe stairs with prudent railings...

Teresa went down the slide and played a bit with a two year old. Once we were done that we finished the tour with a stop at 3rd & 3rd, Big Rock,

where I plunked her down on the ledge and took a picture (or four). For the walk, I had hope once again as we got scorched by the sun! Sadly a look across the lake later indicted this could be our only cloud break for the day
After we got back, it was lunch time. Teresa apparently does not like KD so it was Rowdy’s lucky day. Naptime followed and I decided after she had been out for an hour that I could try to mow, while running in every 5 minutes to check on her. No problem, I got the back yard done with the mower (which I might add is so loud I am surprised dad didn’t call me to thank me for doing it - from Ottawa!). I went in to check on her and then started the side yard, which was about two foot tall quack, and then started the front, when I looked over and there was Teresa waving at me! I guess I shouldn’t be surprised as I had encouraged her to get out of bed and walk through the curtain. A short hour and quarter nap for her so she will be bagged later tonight!
Prior to going out to mow, I had pre packed a pile of things for the beach so we quickly got changed and headed down to the lake. Thankfully I thought ahead and brought a complete change of clothes for her. Teresa got to play in the sand,

and enjoys saying ’stomp’ as she stomps sand castles or ‘crush’ as she smacks them.

Now you see it...

<STOMP>Now you don't</STOMP>
I then pulled out Sarah’s old butterfly kite and amazed her with it.

She did drop it once or twice, but no big deal as it is a kite that is an easy fly. Only near the end did I allow her to go to the water

(please note there were the red flags up - Teresa learned another important lesson, that we shouldn’t listen to the BSOs), where she played in the small crests at the edge. She hopped over them, and almost got knocked down a few times, and stomped into the water. She had great fun and I even convinced her to leave the water (while shivering) without picking her up or getting any tears. We changed her lakeside, and then got her fully dressed and went back to the cottage. Once back at the cottage Teresa & Rowdy got one last rip on the hill and the stupid dog went for a dip so he could be damp for the ride home! Grrrrr.... Then the sad part. I packed the van, did the last few dishes, turned off the power, the hot water and the pump. Off we went to Lanky’s for dinner & dessert. I had packed Teresa a sandwich as I didn’t want to spend silly amounts of money on a dinner she wouldn’t fully eat.
At Lanky’s I got a foot long dog & onion rings, which was tasty and I learned the Teresa doesn’t eat onion rings - more for me! She ate up her sandwich and had some corn. Of course we are at Lanky’s so that means ice cream. I got her a kid’s Cookies & Cream while I ordered a medium Crunchie (OK, won’t reorder it) & Crispy Crunch (surprisingly good - tasted of peanut butter, yum!). Teresa hung onto the cone for dear life and never dropped it. Near the end she poked it as it dripped everywhere, and I had to finish it, as she decided she was done. Yet another sacrifice I make for my family! Lastly a nice lady took a picture of the messy one and I.

First bite

The ice cream goatee

Note the ice cream sprayed everywhere...

The Kid & I...
One last note - yes, pelicans are still around although I did not get any pictures. BTW Teresa calls them ducks.