Looking cute at a wishing pond

Basking in the sun

The sunken garden... Cara loved the smell in there!

Taking pictures of flowers

Maybe even of this beautiful rose!

Family Picture!

Sniffing flowers

Looking at the koi... We had to take this pic with 10x zoom from across a long pond

The koi & Teresa

This was a popular spot with the kids!

Walking with Alison to the Japanese garden.


Walking across a bridge...

Looking at flamingos

& spider monkeys

& uncle Ed made an appearance!

Riding the turtle.

Getting ready for the carousel

Another cute pic

An action shot...
After Como Park we went home to wait for Russ and Meghan to arrive, and bid farewell to Alison who had a business trip to Philly to be on. Russ came a bit late, so we got the game about 5 minutes late. As we sat down in the the GA seats in the second level of straight away centre field, we noticed the Twins were down 3-0 with no out already! It was not Boof Bonser's day on the mound it appeared, and the Twins were down 6-0 after 1 with Boof already 40+ pitches into his pitch count. The Twins didn't help Boof either by going 3 up - 3 down in about 5 minutes. The couple with two kids in tow packed it in around the fourth inning, as the children were getting fussy (and the Twins were still down 6-0 and looking anemic). Oh ye of little faith! The Twins never really got to Kenny 'The Gambler' Rogers on the mound, as they got 1 in the fourth and 2 in the fifth, and I wondered to Russ if they should not be warming someone up, when he looked to in trouble in the fifth. Apparently my manager instincts are poor, as both times I suggested warming up the pen the pitchers settles back down. In fact the Tigers pulled Rogers after 6 2/3, and promptly gave up 4 runs with 2 outs! For those that have trouble adding, that made the score Twins 7 - Tigers 6, where it stood to end the game. Quite the rally and quite the game. I personally credit the ice cream sundae I bought during the 7th inning stretch to spurring the Twins to victory! A neat boxscore in some ways, can be found here
I suppose I should mention though that I didn't get to see the Habs lose game 5. Likely better as I would have been curing a Bleu streak...
Sunday night we went to a neat little cafe for dinner and then went to see Minnehaha Falls. Being the scientist that I am (and wanting to a log go over the falls) we estimated the current to be 3 feet per second. Sadly I didn't get to climb behind the falls, as some people with less curmudgeony wives let them do. We then retired to Russ & Meghan's where we chilled as Teresa slept by chatting (and for the guys) playing baseball on the XBox 360. Later we convinced Cara to play Rock Band with us where she belted out some quality tuneage such as 'Sabotage' by the Beastie Boys! We got home around midnight after having Cara first ask to go home around 10, so all in all the night was a success and everyone appeared to have fun.
Now, we all know that couldn't have been me! I don't have anywhere near that much hair on my head...
Good line, you made me quite literally LOL :)
Well... Just a note I forgot to add there...
Cara had suggested that it looks more like Tony than Ed :)
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