Well the only pictures that we have from Saturday are from the Children's museum, so I guess that will be the bulk of the story, but I should mention a couple of things. First, it always seems that the weather conspires against us when we go down to Minneapolis. Last time, we drove home through a blizzard. This time, the drive seemed perfect until we reached near Alexandria (if not before) and it began to rain lightly, then in got dark and the deluge came down. If you do not know the I94, I am pretty sure that they buy the cheapest paint on the planet to paint their white & yellow stripes. As you barrel down the interstate at 70 miles per hour, with trucks spraying up mist and you needing to pass them to avoid that crap, you can barely see where the road begins and ends and where your lane is... And then all of a sudden there's a curve that you only know about because the traffic in front of you is turning... The I29 does not have the same problems, just the interstates in Minnesota... Anyhow it was dark and stressful for about two hours of the drive. I have named my ulcer "Sotie" in honour of the state that created him!
During this time Teresa did not sleep worth a lick. I think it may be a combination of her seat being upright, and the fact the 50 MPH wind was pushing us around like crazy so she was being jerked a little more than usual. We got in to Alison's at 10:30 (a 7 hour drive including a quick stop to pick up food in GF).
Saturday morning, she got up too early (around 7:30) and Sarah showed up from St. Cloud some time around 8 ish. We all headed out to the Children's Museum for shortly after it opened, including Daisen who had to get up as we were in Alison's room, Alison was in his room and Daisen was sleeping in the living room so it would have been tough not to get up.
So, we will now deluge you with pictures from the children's museum (18 in all) and leave the story there to picked up another day...

Good Morning!

Teresa trying out the rock climbing wall... She never actually climbed!

Hey look up there! Note the purple sticker that indicates that she was paid up.


Climbing a wall...

Mommy painting her face...

Admiring mom's heart & dad's Indian war paint in the mirror.

Playing with some gears... Because they were magnetic, they slid when she played too hard with them though and they would no longer turn.

Playing with water & watching the balls flow down through the rivers.

A subtle Daisen shot. He hates having his picture taken, I wonder whey he got that from? Ernie??

Another shutterbug, whose 10,000 pictures we don't have... Yet.

Cara making bubbles for Teresa

Just another cute picture...

Teresa petted a snake... I found out that Daisen is deathly afraid of snakes, go figure. I think next year we may have to schedule a trip to Narcisse.

Teresa repping our national emblem!

I had to show Teresa ho to do it & show the world that I could fit in it...

Teresa never really got all that in to it...

Getting a picture with Daisen facing the camera is a tough trick. Note how nice I am that his sunglasses are on my head so they won't be broken.
Overall, I would give the museum a fairly high rating. Teresa would have enjoyed it even more if she was older, and I would have been happier if the Sesame Street exhibit was still there. Teresa also got to enjoy story time with some author I had never before heard of. We should also thank Alison for picking up a super cute Curious George book & dish set... Minnesota Children's Museum gets three and a half germ infested ball pits out of four