What happens when a grandparent is left in charge. Teresa thinks she can do what she wants in there now...

Teresa & Some important people

Bath time

Tidal Wave!

Feeding Oneself

Story Time...

The giant body suit is a 'bib'


Dismouting the bike

More stories...

No! I'd rather read it myself!

Once again what happens when you leave a grandparent in charge. True story: I leave for a moment and come back and Teresa is behind a blind trying to stick a plug in a socket all the while dad's back is turned... The kid is too smart some days!

Teresa climbing

I was clipping Rowdy's paws to try to keep the snow from balling up in them and all of a sudden I see Teresa riding him... Thankfully dad documented this quickly. Rowdy was never once stressed about this either...

1 comment:
We are getting ready to go over to Jackie and Tony's for brunch and decorating their tree.
I will be taking the camera that uses film so I won't be posting any pictures until they have only historical interest.
Your mother picked out our tree with Jackie and Tony. I wonder if she'll decorate it without me? Things are very different when the kids are all grown (soupir, gros soupir, énorme soupir).
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