Sigh. While taking care of Teresa Saturday she decided to show off her climbing prowess by getting on top of a cardboard box. She was in full crawling position but moved before I could get the picture so in stead she is relaxing & playing cool sitting on top of the box.
Hey, hey, hey! I comment! I commented on the walking post! I've commented tons! Yeesh!
You've just played right into Ken's hands:) But take comfort in the fact that you have made your brother happy. Thanks for that, now the pressure is off me for the time being.
No it isn't Cara... And anyhow I can see how many times videos have been seen. 4 times total for some of Teresa'a BDay videos? Shameful!
well, Alison can't access the videos - I told her to call you to get the password again. And I don't need to see the videos - I was there :-)
But I am shocked that Dad hasn't replayed them a squillion times already.
Ditto on the commenting from Pearl's comment...
p.s. Cute kid - but I can't believe she was so violently opposed to birthday cake... Chocolate birthday cake. The mind boggles.
Ok Ok... I'll comment...
She's cute. But the Oster's cuter!
She wasn't opposed to the cake so much as she was opposed to getting a tooth. But she does prefer pumpkin pie to cake.
I have photographic proof that Teresa did enjoy her mom's cake, grabbing and tasting at it, before the meltdown. She was much happier after sucking on a nice, cold juice pop ... maybe she needed more ice cream?
What a pretty little girl! Hope you are all doing great at the Yost house.
Quit your whining.
Only 1 tooth?! Isaac's at 4 now. But T is still up one by walking.
You know,
If you want more comments...
I agree with Jackie! It's been more than a week... get your act together and post something new already!!!
Hello!! We want content.
blah blah blah no one loves more often and them people will comment.
There will be a new post today, Ken has had a rough week.
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