Firstly, on June 8th I got the Grant Park AP Physics job. Yay! I then had 25+ people over for a party and we stayed up until 1:00 enjoying my new firepit. Since then I have pretty much finished up my time at St. Paul's. I will always look fondly back at my time there and remember (most) everyone well. I went to Grad on Friday night and told a bunch of the guys that I was leaving, much to the surprise of most.
Saturday morning Cara had her meeting and then we got Teresa ready and left for the cottage. How better to enjoy Father's Day? It took us until about 12:30 to hit the perimeter. Babies slow everything down! When we finally got to the cottage, we got to see the water running, and the joy of a toilet flush. The odd thing though was that stepping out of the van there was a buzz in the air. That is how many of those oversize mosquito-like "crane flies" (I put this in quotes because wikipedia has some other bug called a crane fly) were around. The mosquitoes were also ferocious!
A couple of hours later after Teresa napped (she had a hard time adjusting to the new place) we wandered down to the front beach. We placed Teresa on a towel and she touched the dry sand and lost it! Teresa hated the sand, so thinking that maybe the lake would be good (it was pretty warm and she LOVES bath time), I brought her out there and guess what? She lost it again! I dipped her feet in and she was non-plussed. Cara didn't get any pictures so I plunked her whole butt in the water (why waste a Little Swimmer?) and we got pictures of me abusing my daughter. Teresa's crying actually garnered the attention of Sandra, one of my (soon to be not) co-workers who loves Teresa. She came over and we chatted and calmed Teresa down. We went home after maybe 15 minutes at the front beach. Her are some of those pictures.
Teresa in her suit
Teresa & Mommy
Teresa Riding In Style - it took 30 seconds for her to figure out how to get her sunglasses off!
Daddy & Teresa
At the front beach
More Beach Cuteness
Pissed off after getting her feet wet...
Really mad in water!
She almost looks happy here, but don't let it fool you!
After that, we went home and I found out we were short on propane. Thankfully Doris' now has a tank swap... After dinner Teresa got to enjoy bath time in the sink with the hot water! Funnily, Teresa figured out how to turn the tap on in about 5 seconds. Fortunately Cara thought of this and it was pointed into the other sink. The water in presently set to "Burninate"
Teresa cute in sink!
Teresa flailing a bit!
Teresa closeup
Am laughing at the cuteness!
We're looking forward to having you all in Ottawa and preparations are well in hand (mom has had the guest facilities ready for about a month). I bought a baby appropriate pool toy especially for her - too bad if she doesn't like getting wet!
See you soon!
Is it my imagination, or is the first picture with Cara "mommy about to crack after struggling to get the baby into spandex" :-)
Seriously cute, but we are going to have to solve the loses-her-mind at the beach problem. Dad will not be satisfied until you provide a grandchild to play Kwandor with! Does she like smashing things? Lots of fun can be had with sand castles then...
Let's just say getting her into little swimmers and a bathing suit wasn't fun....and leave it at that. Teresa was better the second day at the beach, we just need to giver her some time to get used to it.
And Auntie Sarah, Teresa will be more than happy to destroy sand castles as fast as you can produce them. There is another video soon to come of her destruction of the railroad track the Yosts gave her for Christmas.
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