Well, it turns out that our daughter is trying desperately to live up the monkey moniker as she has proven herself an avid climber. I suppose we should have called her Edmund, as Hillary is a little too cruel a name to give to such a sweet child... She has taken to getting up and sitting on anything. Downstairs it is in a Megablocks container, and she has tried to get on the coffee table by placing her leg on top of it, and then trying to lever her way up. Well, it turns out that Cara placed a box of her old clothes by the stove and she got up on it. About 10 minutes later Cara noticed the element was hot as Teresa has stretched and reached it! Scary. We have a picture of her on top of the box by the china cabinet, a somewhat safer locale.
Also in this set, I woke up to find Teresa in her best Jane impersonation (as in Tarzan), as she had somehow got one arm out of her sleeper. It was so funny that I called Cara over immediately and she took some pictures... Finally, Cara bought Teresa some boots today, and put them on her. I have yet to see it, but it is apparently quite the struggle to walk and I believe these pictures attest to that...
Climbing the Megablocks...

Climbing the box & standing on it....

Getting Free From The Bonds of Clothing

The boots...