Yesterday we went out and bought a Christmas tree from the Optimists. We splurged this year and bought a sheared tree, not semi-sheared! Anyhow the lights went on last night and the garland went on this morning. Later we will be putting the ornaments on! We were quite busy though, as we decided to move the TV into a Rec Room downstairs while making a living room without TV upstairs. Attached are a couple pics on the new upstairs (w / tree), and downstairs. As an added bonus, you will get a couple of pics from story time yesterday. Cara was reading Teresa a Curious George story. Oh yes, and I decided to share a family tradition, by uploading Merrill Womach's entire Christmas album using torrents, seeing as it is OOP I don't have any moral qualms about it. You can find it on There are already 6 full copies that have been transferedd around the 'net!
Enjoy! Sarah is here in 10 days!! Break is 2 weeks away!!!
What is sheared vs. semi-sheared?
Well a sheared tree is shaped a few times as it grows. Semi-sheared tends to be done just before sale so it isn't as full. That was last year's description. This year the guy was funny and equated it to the last tree on a Friday shift would be the semi-sheared...
I am trying to remember the typ of tree. Fraser firs were mucho dinero, so we got a Balsam Fir.
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