Here are the last pictures we took of them together, although they will be together again soon enough, 70 days to be precise (but who's counting) when she will also meet Grandpa and a few of the aunts.. BTW is in Grandma, or Gramma, or something else completely?
In other news, Teresa's diaper failed us last night, allowing urine to soak her blanket & snugglie (sp?) at 2:30 am. Needless to say, she was bitter and I somehow attempted to sleep through it... Also, did you know that curling isn't as easy as TSN/CBC/the pros make it look? I am a little sore, and my knee is all banged up. I need to get used to throwing a consistent weight, and then maybe I can claim that I am not horrible :)
Here are the last pics of mom & Teresa (for the time being).

i know you guys know it, but your kid is so flippin' cute.
I second the motion. And the munchkin must be getting bigger - no more rolled-up sleeves on the sleeper!
< nyah > And I get to see Teresa before da-ad < /nyah >
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