We went down to Grand Forks over the last couple of days and had a nice time. The impetus was the Football Team had lots of stuff that I imported. We went shopping and we found a couple of cute baby things, US food stuffs (Archer Farms is awesome!), a cheap tie, and the baby's mobile - Pooh and plays Brahms lullaby.
We also did something BAD. We bought a baby walker, you know the ones that people flung themselves down stairs in as infants. In the government's infinite wisdom they banned them, thus saving MILLIONS of children's lives a year! Anyhow the US (land of the dead kids) still sells them and I got a Winnie the Pooh themed one for $40 at KMart. We buried it under a bunch of stuff and had no problem at the border.
In other news, I am getting nervous as after this weekend I am away from Cara for the next two. The first one being the MS Bike Tour (170 kms from Stonewall to Gimli & back - if I haven't harassed you for a pledge, email me for info if you want, for those that have pledged, THANKS :) and the next weekend (Thurs morning - Fri LATE/Sat early) the football team is traveling to Saskatoon for an exhibition game against Aden Bowman.
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